February 06, 2015
Approximately 1.3 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year, and misdiagnosis is not uncommon. Last year, tissue samples from 6,000 cancer patients across the country were reviewed by researchers at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. It was determined that one out of every 71 cases…
January 30, 2015
Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes, or meninges, surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Easily mistaken as the flu, signs of meningitis may develop over several hours or one to two days. Symptoms usually include severe headaches, stiff neck, sudden high fever, vomiting, and…
January 23, 2015
A three-judge appellate panel has ruled that cruise lines should no longer be legally exempt from medical malpractice lawsuits. The decision comes from a 2011 case in which Pasquale Vaglio, an 82-year-old retired NYC policeman and Korean War veteran, fell and hit his head shortly after disembarking…
December 11, 2014
Kline & Specter’s Braden Lepisto, in his first case as lead counsel, won a $260,000 jury verdict for the family of an 83-year-old woman who died at St. Joseph’s Hospital after staff there failed to monitor her vital signs as she suffered an acute aspiration event.  A nurse’s aide who found …
November 03, 2014
Are state limits on medical malpractice verdicts fair? Consider the case of Ascaris Mayo, who had all four of her limbs amputated after a missed diagnosis for a strep infection led to septic shock. The 53-year-old Milwaukee woman sued and won a $25.3 million verdict. But because of a cap on damage…
October 24, 2014
Cerebral palsy is a very common motor disability in children and affects nearly 10,000 babies each year. Cerebral palsy is not curable and will require treatment and support for a child’s  entire lifetime. Cerebral palsy affects a child's neurological systems that control functionality,…
October 20, 2014
Cerebral hypoxia is a medical term used to describe a decrease in oxygen to the brain. The brain is very sensitive to decreased levels of oxygen and brain cells can begin to die after four minutes of being deprived of oxygen. The sooner the hypoxia is diagnosed and the underlying cause treated, the…
October 18, 2014
 The law firm won a $16 million settlement for the family of a 57-year-old endodontist who suffered brain damage in a medical malpractice case. The injury occurred because of an improperly managed ventricular fibrillation following bypass surgery. The patient's bypass operation was successful but…
October 05, 2014
A uterine rupture in a pregnant patient during labor can be a life-threatening complication for both a mother and unborn baby.  When a uterus ruptures, it tears open into the abdominal cavity and can cause a mother to hemorrhage and decrease the amount of blood and oxygen reaching a baby. A uterus…
September 24, 2014
There are times when a health care worker may not perform up to the standard of care, and this is considered medical malpractice. This can occur during pregnancy and birth, which can cause permanent problems for your child. Birth injuries can occur because of the negligence on the part of a nurse…