Some 1.5 million Americans sustain a brain injury each year, with about 280,000 hospitalized and 50,000 dying from their injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Many brain injury lawsuits revolve around traumatic brain injury. In these cases, a lifetime of medical and specialty care may be needed, and recovery is far from guaranteed. But legal action can also be taken in cases of mild to moderate brain injuries, enabling all victims of head injury to seek fair and full compensation for their damages.
The best way to learn if you have the option of filing suit for your brain injury is through a one-on-one consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer. During this meeting, your claim can be reviewed and your options discussed, helping to ensure you make the best decision for your specific needs.
Why Choose Us
The attorneys at Kline & Specter, PC have had significant success in handling brain injury cases. Our firm has helped families get justice for children who suffered brain injury during labor and delivery, including the largest settlement ever in the state of Pennsylvania for a baby who suffered brain injury due to medical malpractice.
Our dedicated attorneys, five of whom are also medical doctors – the most of any law firm in the nation, have secured major verdicts and settlements in cases of brain injury resulting from negligent care, vehicular accidents, sports injuries, medical error, and more. We won the most Top 100 verdicts in the nation in 2019.
In one case involving brain injury, the firm won a $49.6 million verdict for a young man who suffered severe brain damage due to medical error in Philadelphia. In another case, we obtained a $30 million settlement on behalf of a young child who suffered a severe brain injury due to the improper use of anesthesia during an otherwise routine hospital procedure in Philadelphia.
In a highly publicized case, the firm secured a $7.5 million settlement with La Salle University for a football player who suffered a concussion in practice yet was cleared to play again before he was fully healed. In a subsequent game, Preston Plevretes, 19, suffered profound brain damage when he was hit during a punt return.
If you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury and you believe you have cause to file suit, please call 215-772-1000 and schedule a free case evaluation right away.
Kline & Specter has offices in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Delaware. We work with local attorneys, as applicable, for cases outside these states.