There are about 50,000 electrical fires in the United States every year resulting in injuries to roughly 1,400 people and 500 deaths. In some cases, electrical fires are the result of carelessness or errors made by the user, but all too often they are the result of damaged, defective, or dangerous electronic devices.
Equipment left unattended is the leading cause of electrical fires in the United States. Second is electrical failure or malfunction. Both of these issues can lead to serious or fatal injury. If you have been injured by a defective product, it is a good idea to speak with an attorney right away to learn about your rights and options.
Our Experience with Defective Products
As one of the nation’s leading product liability law firms, Kline & Specter, PC has secured millions for victims of defective and dangerous electronics, medical devices, vehicles, children’s toys, and more. Some of the major victories we have secured against negligent manufacturers include:
- $8 billion verdict against Johnson & Johnson in a case involving the defective drug Risperdal
- Verdicts of $120 million, $80 million, $57.1 million, $41 million, and more against J&J in cases involving vaginal mesh devices
- Verdicts of $153 million, $52 million, and $8.75 million verdicts against Ford Motor Co. for a wrongful death lawsuits involving a defective parking brake
- $6.8 million verdict against Bell Helmets for a defective motorcycle helmet|
Not content to simply win cases, our attorneys fight for new and improved regulations that help improve consumer safety. In this way, taking legal action serves both the client and the community and can help save lives in the future.
Christmas Tree Fires
As we approach the holiday season, the risk for electrical fires will increase. Electrical issues are a factor in 40% of all Christmas tree fires and 32% of the deaths caused by those fires. You reduce your risks greatly by:
- Keeping your tree fresh and watered
- Keeping your tree away from heat sources
- Ensuring all lights are working and strings are undamaged
- Turning all lights off when you go to bed or leave the house
There is no way to guarantee against an electrical fire, but there are certainly ways to reduce your risks.
Have You Been Injured?
If you have been injured or a loved one has been hurt or killed by a defective electronic device, you may be able to take legal action. Please call 215-772-1000 to schedule a free case review at Kline & Specter today. We have offices in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Delaware. We work with local attorneys, as applicable, for cases outside these states.