Posted: April 30, 2024

Drunk driving statistics show the devastating consequences of this reckless behavior. 37 lives are lost in drunk driving crashes every day in the United States. That’s one death every 39 minutes. In 2021, a staggering number of lives (13,384) were lost in alcohol-impaired collisions. Tragically, this marked the highest number of deaths since 2006, making up 31% of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities in the U.S. that year. 

Drunk driving accidents have a profound impact on the victims. Their physical well-being, as well as their emotional and financial stability, are often dramatically altered. In many situations, individuals who have been injured as a consequence of an intoxicated driver's negligence have the opportunity to seek compensation for damages.

Key Drunk Driving Lawsuit Factors: Negligence and Evidence

The Impact of Negligence on the Outcome of a Lawsuit

Negligence is defined as failing to provide the level of care that a reasonable person would in a similar situation. When it comes to drunk driving accidents, establishing negligence involves proving that the driver:

  • Had a responsibility not to endanger pedestrians or other drivers
  • Violated their responsibility by operating a vehicle while intoxicated
  • Caused injuries to the victim

The Role of Evidence in a Lawsuit Against a Drunk Driver

Presenting comprehensive evidence in court can significantly bolster a victim's case against a drunk driver. It helps establish liability, supports their claims, and provides a solid foundation for arguments. 

Providing evidence can assist victims in demonstrating that the negligent actions were not only a departure from the expected standard of care but also directly led to the resulting collision. 

Individuals can take several steps to increase the likelihood of building a strong legal case. These include working closely with a personal injury legal team that will aid in insurance negotiations, evidence gathering, staying abreast of deadlines, and more. 

Filing a Lawsuit Against a Drunk Driver

Driving under the influence is a grave and punishable offense that poses a threat to the safety of all individuals on the road. Taking legal action can help victims obtain compensation for their injuries, property damage, and other losses. It also holds reckless people accountable and contributes to a safer roadway for everyone else. 

Kline & Specter provides free and confidential evaluations of potential cases. Kline & Specter handles cases in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and New York. For cases outside those states, the law firm works with local attorneys in each state as applicable.

Call (215) 772-1000 to learn if you have a valid claim against a drunk driver.