January 25, 2016
For many, the sounds of children and loved ones talking, laughing, playing and enjoying togetherness punctuate weekend and family gatherings. Regardless of whether you're hosting a party or enjoying someone else's hospitality, the Pennsylvania personal injury attorneys at Kline & Specter, PC,…
January 22, 2016
It was only a matter of time before a jury in Pennsylvania or another American court heard a medical malpractice case like the one our lawyers successfully litigated on behalf of Bonnie Semple. In 2015, Kline & Specter medical malpractice attorneys Michael A. Trunk and Gary Zakeosian won a $2.…
January 21, 2016
In the wake of snowballing defective product lawsuits in Pennsylvania and nationwide against the manufacturers of various transvaginal surgical mesh brands, our defective device attorneys — five of whom also are doctors — want to reiterate the dangers (as stated by the federal government)…
January 20, 2016
Less than a month after our attorneys won a defective surgical device lawsuit on behalf of our client, Patricia Hammons, lawyers elsewhere also landed a major victory against another transvaginal mesh manufacturer. For Hammons, transvaginal mesh surgery caused more harm than good. In fact, there…
January 19, 2016
Last month’s $12.5 million verdict for a woman against Johnson & Johnson over its surgically implanted vaginal mesh product has grown by nearly $800,000 following a judge’s recent decision to add delay damages to the result. The order was handed down by Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge Mark I.…
January 03, 2016
"If you see something, say something." That's the slogan endorsed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the wake of international terrorist violence. But it's not just people who have been exposed to bloody public atrocities who can relate to the "see something, say something" philosophy…
December 28, 2015
You may have seen Pennsylvania native and our law firm's co-founding attorney Tom Kline on World News Tonight, Good Morning America or Nightline. Those are just a few of the news shows that have called on Kline, an accomplished Philadelphia personal injury and medical malpractice attorney, to…
December 22, 2015
The defective product attorneys at Kline & Specter, PC, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are following with interest the recent class-action news indicating that America's oldest gun maker intentionally concealed widespread trigger mechanism safety problems. The revelation could affect millions…
December 22, 2015
NEWS RELEASE PHILADELPHIA -- A jury today awarded $7 million in punitive damages against Johnson & Johnson for an Indiana woman injured by a surgically implanted vaginal mesh. The plaintiffs claimed the product was defective and that J&J knew and failed to warn doctors about its dangers…
December 01, 2015
Opening speeches are due to get underway tomorrow in courtroom 246 in City Hall in the first Philadelphia trial involving a device surgically implanted in women to treat organ prolapse, a device called transvaginal mesh. The case involves the Prolift made by Ethicon, Inc., a division of Johnson…
November 27, 2015
Many Americans will be diagnosed incorrectly at least once in their lifetimes. That is the troubling finding made in a newly issued report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The report found that diagnostic errors are by far the most pervasive in medicine, outranking medication mistakes. An…
November 25, 2015
As parents head to the stores to buy toys for the holiday season, they should be aware of some that may be hazardous to their children. As noted in an ABC-6 report, the Pennsylvania Public Interest Group (PennPIRG) had some disturbing findings when it recently examined hundreds of toys currently…
November 12, 2015
 A lawsuit filed in Philadelphia claims that birth control pills that were mispackaged led to 113 unwanted pregnancies. According to the claim, the packages were “rotated 180 degrees” and thus reversed the order in which the pills were to be taken, meaning the women took placebos during the wrong…
November 06, 2015
According the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC,) a young child is likely to die this month, strangled by a window covering cord. “Window cord strangulations are one of the top hidden hazards in the home,” explains CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum. “CPSC recommends that only cordless window…
October 29, 2015
It was only the beginning of her problems when a wife and mother in her forties suffered a heart attack. Taken to a Philadelphia hospital, she was treated for the heart attack but later suffered additional symptoms, including headache and vomiting. A resident in the intensive care unit prescribed…