June 10, 2022
Research from the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) has found that SUVs and other large vehicles, such as pickup trucks and vans, pose the largest threat to pedestrians, particularly when making turns. According to the study, with a higher profile, the drivers of these vehicles may not…
May 30, 2022
The pharmaceutical Elmiron came onto the market in 1996 to treat interstitial cystitis (IC), a urinary tract ailment that causes pain in the abdomen, pelvic, and genital regions. But the drug has been linked to vision problems that can become severe. Specifically, Elmiron, known scientifically as…
May 15, 2022
Summer is fast approaching and, along with it, longer hours of sunshine, more opportunities for celebration, and increased drug and alcohol use will all contribute to a rise in accidents involving intoxicated drivers. While DUI arrests are most common between the Thanksgiving Holiday and New Year’s…
May 01, 2022
Every year in the United States, tens of thousands of cyclists are injured and hundreds more are killed in bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles. May is Bicycle Safety Month, an effort from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to remind drivers and cyclists to put safety first.…
April 08, 2022
Workplace injury is possible in every industry. However, some occupations are much more likely to experience serious and fatal injuries during the routine course of business. When you are injured on the job, it is important to explore all of your options and to make sure you are not waiving your…
March 20, 2022
 There are six levels of burn injury:  First-Degree. Relatively minor pain, skin redness, and peeling skin are common with first-degree burns. These are superficial injuries and can be dressed and cared for without medical assistance Second-Degree. Damaging both the top (dermis) and the second…
March 12, 2022
Onboard electronics such as voice-activated systems and other hands-free devices promise a safer driving experience. The idea is that if a drivers’ hands remain on the wheel and their eyes on the road, they’re not really distracted. This should, theoretically, reduce the risks posed by hand-held…
March 04, 2022
When you are injured in an accident caused by a vehicle defect, you may be entitled to take legal action against the manufacturer. Automobile manufacturers have a duty to craft and assemble vehicles with the highest safety standards in mind. When they fail to do so and injury follows, it is a good…
February 04, 2022
A delayed or missed medical diagnosis can have a profound impact on the health and even mortality of a patient. When a disease or disorder is misdiagnosed or missed and serious harm follows, victims may be entitled to seek compensation through legal action. Cancer Misdiagnosis Cancer is a…
January 28, 2022
Anesthesia is safe for the vast majority of people who undergo medical procedures. Yet in rare cases, patients can suffer organ or nerve damage, brain damage, birth defects, paralysis, heart attacks, stroke and, in some instances, death. The National Institutes of Health compiled statistics…
December 15, 2021
Medication errors are among the most common types of errors that occur in medical settings. The National Institutes of Health reports that, while common, only a small percentage of medication errors result in adverse effects, but those that do are often terribly costly to the patient. In some cases…
December 01, 2021
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 786 motor vehicle recalls in 2020, impacting more than 31 million cars, trucks, and SUVs. The cause of these recalls varies widely from minor defects that pose little to no risk to more significant issues that can…
November 22, 2021
Michael Brassloff, retired from a as a teacher and principal in Philadelphia, had a tumor that was growing in his head. He seemed fine, he had no symptoms. But there was a fear that if the tumor grew much larger – and it may not have -- it could have pressed against his brain and caused cognitive…
November 11, 2021
A $7 million stipulated verdict reached with the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority recently is just the beginning. Not because SEPTA plans to file an appeal in the case, but the plaintiffs do. That’s because under state law the government-related mass transit agency will have to…
September 29, 2021
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia says the church may pay over $126 million in reparation to the more than 600 victims who have filed claims under the Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program (IRRP). The program was started in 2018 to provide compensation for victims of…