June 03, 2019
An IV or intravenous catheter is inserted into a vein to administer fluids, electrolytes, medications, blood products, antibiotics, lipids, or nutrition directly into the bloodstream. If the catheter becomes dislodged or moves out of the vein, the fluid that was being infused through it could now…
May 22, 2019
Postpartum hemorrhage after delivery occurs when there is a loss of more than 500 ml of blood after a vaginal delivery or 1000 ml of blood following a C-section. If the heavy bleeding is not controlled it can lead to shock, loss of ability to have future pregnancies, permanent brain damage or…
May 07, 2019
For decades, transvaginal mesh has been surgically implanted in women across the nation and world to treat organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. For some women, the plastic medical device was helpful. But for tens of thousands – far too high a percentage for the vaginal mesh products to be…
May 06, 2019
 It happens roughly every seven seconds in the United States – someone is hurt on the job. In a year’s time, America’s working men and women will suffer 4.6 million injuries while at work, according to the National Safety Council. More than 5,000 will die.  Some of these injuries are not the fault…
April 24, 2019
PICC lines are used to provide long term intravenous access to administer IV medications, fluids, electrolytes or antibiotics. The lines are placed by doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners who must be aware of the potential dangers these central lines can cause. If complications are not diagnosed…
March 29, 2019
 When Robert Kraft was arrested recently for allegedly soliciting prostitution in Florida, the story not only brought unwanted attention to the billionaire owner of the NFL New England Patriots, it also focused on the epidemic of human sex trafficking. As USA Today put it: “The more significant…
March 14, 2019
Medicare and Medicaid account for roughly $1 trillion in federal spending annually. That’s a lot of money. And wherever there is a lot of money, there are those who will try to steal it. The AARP reports that at about 10 percent of Medicare funding – or some $60 billion, roughly the budgets of the…
February 04, 2019
Erb’s palsy is a nerve injury that can occur during birth when the nerves in a baby’s upper arm are stretched, torn or damaged. Many babies with Erb’s palsy cannot move their arms or shoulders and some babies are unable to move their hands or fingers.  Erb’s palsy is most often a result of…
January 17, 2019
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease that afflicts people - often athletes - who have suffered severe and repeated head trauma. Repeated brain trauma triggers progressive degeneration of brain tissue and/or the build-up of Tau protein that can disrupt the…
December 28, 2018
The Timothy Piazza Anti-Hazing Act has been selected as one of the five “most impactful” laws enacted in Pennsylvania in 2018 by the online publication BillyPenn (www.billypenn.com). “Moved by the death of Penn State student Timothy Piazza, who suffered fatal injuries during fraternity initiation…
November 20, 2018
Tougher penalties. Possible prison terms. Forfeiture of property. All are contained in Pennsylvania’s Act 80 of 2018, also known as the Timothy J. Piazza Anti-Hazing Law, the measure enacted in an effort to deter similar future tragedies as that which claimed the life of the 19-year-old Penn…
November 02, 2018
Latest Risperdal ruling an important one The long and wide-ranging legal battle against the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal and its manufacturer, Janssen Pharmaceuticals advanced with Pennsylvania Superior Court’s decision to uphold the verdict in the bellwether trial from Philadelphia’s Risperdal…
October 16, 2018
Drivers across the country have been reporting more and more incidents of Hyundai and Kia cars and SUVs spontaneously bursting into flames, enough to prompt the Center for Auto Safety to demand a recall of millions of vehicles. One Los Angeles man related an incident in which his 2012 Hyundai…
September 13, 2018
Tom Kline (far left) with Evelyn and Jim Piazza“Something good came of something bad.” Those words were uttered in the aftermath of the famous Hall v. SEPTA case in which an injury to a little boy led Philadelphia’s mass transit agency to revamp not only its escalators but also its inspections…
August 30, 2018
A grand jury report exposed more than 1,000 victims of child sexual abuse allegedly by some 300 Catholic priests across Pennsylvania, sending tremors not only in the state but across the country and beyond, even to the Vatican. But the report may never have seen the light of day without the effort…