Doctor looking over brain scans for a brain injury case | Kline & Specter

Brain and head injuries are complicated medical cases as each victim's symptoms and circumstances are unique. Skilled brain injury attorneys such as those on our team at Kline & Specter, PC know just how far-reaching the results of a brain injury can be.

If you or a loved one has sustained a serious brain injury in Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware, please email Kline & Specter or call 800-243-1100 to schedule a free lawsuit consultation with one of our brain injury lawyers. Our accomplished Philadelphia-based legal team includes more than 50 attorneys, five of whom also are respected physicians.






Brain Injury: A Lasting Trauma

The number of Americans who suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has steadily increased over the last decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Consider that:

  • An estimated 1.7 million Americans sustain a TBI each year.
  • Only a fourth of all brain injuries are concussions.
  • About 52,000 people die annually as a result of their TBI.
  • Brain injury is a contributing factor in about a third of all injury-related deaths.
  • The annual medical costs related to brain injuries is more than $60 billion.

Severe brain injury is commonly caused by a sudden, violent blow to the head. Other causes include an obstructed airway, nearly slip and fall accidents, toxic exposure, heart attack or stroke, aneurysm, and electrical shock.

Brain injury symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Slurred speech
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness or numbness in the extremities
  • Loss of coordination
  • Restlessness or agitation
  • Emotional or behavioral problems
  • Seizures

Click here if you would like to know more about brain injury symptoms, prevalence and repercussions.

Your Brain Injury Lawsuit

In some cases, brain injuries result from negligence. In other cases, an error by a doctor or other healthcare personnel caused a patient to suffer brain damage.

In both of these types of personal injury cases, a brain injury lawsuit may be warranted.

The Philadelphia brain injury lawyers at Kline & Specter have the expertise and experience to skillfully litigate your lawsuit. We have a track record of major verdicts and settlements in brain injury litigation including:

Brain Injury Case Study No. 1: $49 million – This was the jury verdict in favor of our client, a young man who suffered brain damage due to medical error in Philadelphia. (Caruso)

Brain Injury Case Study No. 2: $30 million – Our firm secured this settlement on behalf of a young child who suffered a severe brain injury due to the improper use of anesthesia during an otherwise routine hospital procedure in Philadelphia.

Brain Injury Case Study No. 3: $7.5 million – Our firm secured this settlement against La Salle University in Philadelphia on behalf of a football player who suffered a severe brain injury after being prematurely cleared to play following a concussion suffered in practice. (Plevretes)

If you or a loved one has sustained a serious brain injury, please call Kline & Specter at 800-243-1100 to schedule a free brain injury lawsuit consultation with one of our lawyers. We represent brain injury victims and their families in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and nationwide.

Brain Injury Claims

Kline & Specter handles cases in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and nationwide, working with local attorneys in states outside PA, NJ and DE.