Posted: May 13, 2019
"The team at Kline & Specter were there for my family from the beginning to the end. Thank you Shanin for never wavering and making sure those responsible were held accountable to the very end. Thank you Kila and Dominic for your friendship and compassion and for all the support you showed my family. Thank you all for fighting for Carrie. You were her voice! The girls and I will be forever grateful to all of you.”
Mike Goretzka (pictured right) of suburban Pittsburgh
Resulted in a $109 million jury verdict and a subsequent settlement of $105 million
Practice Area
Attorneys Name
Shanin Specter

His wife, Carrie, was killed by a fallen power line outside the family's suburban Pittsburgh home. The case, tried by Shanin Specter, Kila Baldwin and Dominic Guerrini, resulted in a $109 million jury verdict and a subsequent settlement of $105 million.