An Allentown, Pennsylvania obstetrician continued with a natural childbirth despite complications which caused a newborn to be deprived of oxygen for more than three minutes. Chloe McCarthy, now four years old, suffered cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders stemming from the birth injury.
In August 2009, her mother, Erin McCarthy, was admitted to Lehigh Valley Hospital after going into labor. Her obstetrician was in charge of the delivery and proceeded with a natural birth even though McCarthy’s labor had stalled for eight hours.
After that period, McCarthy was too tired to continue pushing and her doctor had to use forceps to aid in the delivery. During this process the baby’s shoulder became stuck on McCarthy’s cervical bone which caused her to be deprived of oxygen. After delivery the child was rushed to Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia to undergo a procedure in which the brain is cooled to lessen the damage done by lack of oxygen, but she still suffered irreversible damage.
After a four-day trial, a jury returned a judgment of $4 million. Learn more about birth Injury lawsuits.