December 21, 2020
When you are on someone else’s property, be that a shopping center, a hotel, a theater, or anywhere else, it is reasonable to assume you are safe from crime. It is, in fact, the onus of the property owner or manager to ensure this is the case. When a property is not safe and you become the victim…
December 03, 2020
There are about 50,000 electrical fires in the United States every year resulting in injuries to roughly 1,400 people and 500 deaths. In some cases, electrical fires are the result of carelessness or errors made by the user, but all too often they are the result of damaged, defective, or dangerous…
November 30, 2020
For years now, explosions and serious injuries, even deaths, have been reported with automobile airbags made by the Japanese manufacturer Takata Corp. and installed in various makes and models of vehicles around the world. General Motors was the latest, with the company recently ordering the recall…
October 20, 2020
An intrepid Jim Waldenberger journeyed to the far reaches of Pennsylvania to a place where few had gone before during the Days of COVID. He went to court. To be exact, the Kline & Specter attorney traveled to Lycoming County for a civil trial on behalf of a 74-year-old man who had had his big…
October 08, 2020
An ATV driver and passenger are out for a ride when suddenly, without warning or explanation, flames burst from the vehicle. If the riders are lucky, they notice the fire start and are able to unbuckle their safety harnesses and get out of their ATV before it is engulfed in flames. If not, the…
August 31, 2020
Some 1.5 million Americans sustain a brain injury each year, with about 280,000 hospitalized and 50,000 dying from their injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many brain injury lawsuits revolve around traumatic brain injury. In these cases, a lifetime of medical…
July 30, 2020
Boating accidents injure and kill hundreds of people every year. If you plan on operating a boat this summer, it is vital that you take steps to prevent an accident. This includes staying sober and following state and local regulations that can be found on the website of the Pennsylvania Fish…
July 24, 2020
As the country continues in the coronavirus pandemic, some re-opening businesses and gatherings are asking that people sign waivers relieving them of liability. Legislatures are also considering measures that would grant immunity to those who open shops or churches or recreational centers. But the…
July 17, 2020
When you are injured by a doctor or any other healthcare professional, it is important that you speak with a medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible. In many states, the statute of limitations is two years for these types of cases. Acting swiftly can help protect your rights. Selecting an…
June 12, 2020
 The vast majority of civil cases end in settlements. A study by Cornell University put the number at 87.2 percent, while the American Judges Association issued a paper stating that 97 percent of civil matters are resolved other than by trial, with most settling and some being dismissed.  But it is…
May 22, 2020
For many years, Johnson’s Baby Powder was a familiar item to most homes, used not only for infants but also to help Americans of all ages keep dry and comfortable. But now, that once seemingly innocuous product apparently has a malevolent side effect – cancer.  According to thousands of lawsuits –…
May 12, 2020
Shelter-in-place orders have been extended throughout much of the East Coast with some states suggesting the end may be months away. During this time, courts have suspended many hearings and trials, a development that can complicate the process of settling a personal injury claim.  Though stay-at-…
April 22, 2020
Nearly two million people are currently living with an amputation in the United States and about 185,000 people are added each year to that gruesome statistic, according to the Amputee Coalition. The majority of these are due to natural causes, ailments such as diabetes and peripheral arterial…
April 01, 2020
Birth injury occurs when the actions or inaction of medical professionals cause injury to a baby during pregnancy, labor, delivery OR THE NEO-NATAL PERIOD. There are MANY ways for mothers and babies to be injured when healthcare providers are NEGLIGENT. If you believe your child has been the…